Can You Get Cavities with Invisalign?

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Schohariedentny @ 11:20 am
woman putting on Invisalign tray

Tens of millions of people around the world have straightened their teeth with Invisalign, and it’s not hard to figure out why many prefer them over braces. The treatment is discreet, comfortable, flexible, and some even believe it prevents you from getting cavities. Unfortunately, that last point isn’t exactly true! While Invisalign offers many benefits, you’ll still need to take care of your teeth if you want to keep them healthy and problem-free.

Cavities & Invisalign

Yes, Invisalign trays fit over the teeth like a glove, which hypothetically prevents food particles and bacteria (the sources of cavities) from accumulating on them. The issue is that patients are supposed to remove their trays before eating as they aren’t strong enough to stand up to chewing forces.

In fact, eating and then putting your trays back on can increase the risk of cavities because leaving oral bacteria in a confined, warm, and damp space with leftover food makes them spread and multiply faster than normal. Over time, the trays themselves can become harbors for bacteria if they aren’t cleaned regularly, leading to a potential one-two punch for someone’s smile.

How to Keep Yourself Cavity-Free

Thankfully, this potential setback of Invisalign is easy to get around. All patients have to do is keep a few guidelines in mind throughout their treatment:

  • After removing the trays and eating, brush the teeth (or just rinse with water in a pinch) before putting them back on.
  • Rinse the trays themselves with cool or lukewarm water as well (warm or hot water may warp the plastic).
  • Once a week, soak Invisalign in a dedicated cleaning solution to remove stuck-on plaque and bacteria.
  • Brush your teeth and trays twice a day.
  • When brushing the trays, only use a soft-bristled brush and colorless hand soap. Harder bristles and/or regular toothpaste can cause scratches, giving bad bacteria more places to hide (plus they can make the aligners start to look cloudy).   

And the Last Tip…

…is to attend your regular progress appointments and checkups with your dentist. This will give them a chance to make sure your Invisalign treatment is progressing as planned, and they can spot potential cavities and take care of them early. They can also offer tips on how you can improve your hygiene routine at home for both your teeth and trays.

While Invisalign doesn’t exactly “shield” you from cavities, just following a basic hygiene routine is pretty much all you need, and you’ll be seeing your dentist every six to eight weeks already with your follow-ups. Altogether, you shouldn’t have to worry about cavities as you get closer to your new smile!

About the Practice

Schoharie Dental is a multi-specialty dental practice that includes a team of general dentists, pediatric dentists, and an experienced orthodontist, Dr. Cheryl Sorbero. She has over 15 years of experience and helped countless patients straighten their teeth with braces and Invisalign, so she knows a thing or two about avoiding cavities during the process! To learn more about Invisalign or schedule a consultation to begin the treatment for yourself or your teen, click here to request an appointment or call 518-702-4145.

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