Your Quick Guide to Taking Care of Your Invisalign Aligners

June 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Schohariedentny @ 1:00 pm
woman placing Invisalign tray in case

One of the biggest benefits of Invisalign is that it’s virtually unnoticeable, and the average treatment time is shorter than metal braces as well. However, not taking proper care of your aligners can diminish or even remove these advantages entirely. Thankfully, a few simple steps are all you need to straighten your teeth discreetly and comfortably, and you’ll find them all right here.

Remove Your Trays When Eating

While the plastic used to make the Invisalign trays is quite strong, it isn’t able to stand up to chewing forces. That’s why you should take out your trays every time you eat a meal or snack.

Remove Your Trays When Drinking

This applies to any beverage other than unflavored water. Anything with sugar or dark pigments in it can become stuck between your trays and teeth, leading to accelerated staining and decay. Try to avoid extremely hot beverages while wearing your trays as well, as these can actually warp your aligners.

Clean Your Aligners & Teeth Every Day

When you eat and then put your aligners back on, this can trap leftover food particles and bacteria against your teeth, creating the perfect environment for cavities to appear. That’s why it’s important to rinse your trays and mouth every time you eat or drink something.

Also, be sure to brush your teeth and trays (only using a soft-bristled brush and colorless hand soap, not toothpaste) once in the morning and evening. Nothing disrupts orthodontics more than having to get a filling or crown to repair a cavity!

Always Use Your Tray Case

People most often lose their Invisalign trays because they take them out to eat, set them somewhere random, and then they disappear. Your trays should only go two places—either in your mouth or their designated case.

Attend Your Follow-Ups

You’ll be asked to see your orthodontist every few weeks to monitor your progress. This allows them to make any adjustments necessary to speed along your treatment or maybe shift a tooth that is being a bit stubborn. Either way, this ensures that any bumps in the road are avoided or minimized as much as possible.

Of course, if you ever have any questions or concerns, all the answers you need are just a phone call or email away. By keeping these simple steps in mind, you’ll be seeing your new smile in the mirror in no time!  

About the Practice

Schoharie Dental is a multi-specialty dental practice that includes a team of general dentists, pediatric dentists, and an experienced orthodontist, Dr. Cheryl Sorbero. She has over 15 years of experience and helped countless patients straighten their teeth with braces and Invisalign. To learn more about Invisalign or schedule a consultation to begin the treatment for yourself or your teen, click here to request an appointment or call 518-809-8881.

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